In [3]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import sqrt,pi,arange,cos,sin
from qutip import *
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
pz = Qobj([[1],[0]])
mz = Qobj([[0],[1]])
px = Qobj([[1/sqrt(2)],[1/sqrt(2)]])
mx = Qobj([[1/sqrt(2)],[-1/sqrt(2)]])
py = Qobj([[1/sqrt(2)],[1j/sqrt(2)]])
my = Qobj([[1/sqrt(2)],[-1j/sqrt(2)]])
Sx = 1/2.0*sigmax()
Sy = 1/2.0*sigmay()
Sz = 1/2.0*sigmaz()
Define the Hamiltonian: $$H= - \mathbf{\mu}\cdot \mathbf{B} =-\gamma S_z B$$ $$\hat{H} = -\Omega \hat{S}_z$$
In [6]:
Omega = 5
H = -Omega*Sz
In [8]:
t = arange(0,4*pi/Omega,0.05)
The next line calls a Schrödinger equation solver (sesolve). It's arguments are the Hamiltonian, the starting state $\lvert+x\rangle$ (px), the time values, and a list of operators. sesolve
returns many things, but the expect
method is most useful, it gives the expectation values of the three operators in the operator list.
In [9]:
expect_ops = [Sx,Sy,Sz]
result1 = sesolve(H, px, t, expect_ops)
In [10]:
expect_ops[0] # TODO get name of variable to use in label
In [12]:
labels = ['x','y','z']
for r,l in zip(result1.expect,labels):
plt.plot(result1.times*Omega/pi, r, label="$\langle S_%c \\rangle $" % l)
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16) #TODO fix legend text size
Now what if the system starts in $\lvert+z\rangle$?
In [13]:
result2 = sesolve(H, pz, t, [Sx,Sy,Sz])
In [14]:
for r,l in zip(result2.expect,labels):
plt.plot(result2.times*Omega/pi, r, label="$\langle S_%c \\rangle $" % l)
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16) #TODO fix legend text size
Spin-up stays spin-up (i.e. no prescession)
In [15]:
psi = 1/sqrt(2)*tensor(pz, mz) + 1/sqrt(2)*tensor(mz, pz)
Hamiltonian is the same for both particles so we use the tensor to form $\hat{H}$ from individual operators
In [16]:
omega = 5
H = -omega*tensor(Sz,Sz)
In [17]:
expect_op = tensor(mz,pz)*tensor(mz,pz).dag()
result3 = sesolve(H, psi, t, expect_op)
In [18]:
for r,l in zip(result3.expect,labels):
plt.plot(result3.times*omega/pi, r, label="$\langle -z,+z\\rangle$")
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16) #TODO fix legend text size
The value is constant since the state is initially in an eigenstate of $\hat{H}$.
Notice the Hamiltonian has an $x$ and a $z$ component:
In [19]:
H = -omega/sqrt(2)*(Sz + Sx)
t = arange(0,2*pi/omega,0.05)
In [20]:
result4 = sesolve(H, px, t, [Sx, Sy, Sz])
In [21]:
for r,l in zip(result4.expect,labels):
plt.plot(result4.times*omega/pi, r, label="$\langle S_%c \\rangle $" % l)
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.legend(fontsize=16) #TODO fix legend text size
Harder to interpret, so we'll use the Bloch sphere:
In [22]:
sx, sy, sz = result4.expect
In [23]:
b = Bloch()
b.zlabel = ['$\\left|+z\\right>$', '$\\left|-z\\right>$']
b.view = [-45,20]
We'll explore the parameters of a spin in a time-varying magnetic field. This system is relevant to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) which is used in chemistry and as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in medicine.
Following Compliment 9.A the Hamiltonian is: $$\hat{H}= - \Omega_0 \hat{S}_z - \Omega_1 cos(\omega t)\hat{S}_x$$ We then solve for a certain amount of time after the state starts in $|\psi(0)\rangle = |+z\rangle$
We also use the definition of the Rabi frequency: $\Omega_R = \sqrt{(\omega - \Omega_0)^2 + (\Omega_1/2)^2}$ as in (9.A.28)
Note that the time span is 3 units of $\frac{2\pi}{\Omega_R}$. Leave the scaling in place, but to plot a longer time period, change 3.0 to something larger. This lets us match the units in Fig. 9.A.1.
In [24]:
omega0 = 2.0 * 2 * pi # pick a nice value for a frequency, note this is 1 Hz
omega1 = 0.25 * 2 * pi # 25% of omega0
w = 2.0 * 2 * pi # the driving frequency
H0 = - omega0 * Sz # the first term in H
H1 = - omega1 * Sx # the second term in H
omegaR = sqrt((w - omega0)**2 + (omega1/2.0)**2)
t = arange(0,3.0 * 2 * pi / omegaR,0.02) # scale the time by omegaR, plot 3 units of 2pi/omegaR
args = [H0, H1, w] # parts of the Hamiltonian
def H1_coeff(t, args):
return cos(w * t)
H = [H0, [H1, H1_coeff]]
The next line calls a Schrödinger equation solver (sesolve
). The arguments are the Hamiltonian, the starting state $\lvert+z\rangle$ (pz
), the time values, a list of operators, and the arguments to the function H_t
. sesolve
returns many things, but the expect
method is most useful, it gives the expectation values of the four operators in the operator list. Notice the fourth operator is the $\lvert-z\rangle$ projection operator. It's expectation value is $P(\lvert-z\rangle,t)$
In [25]:
result5 = sesolve(H, pz, t, [Sx, Sy, Sz, mz*mz.dag()],args)
sx, sy, sz, Pmz = result5.expect
Look at the Bloch sphere for this system:
In [26]:
b2 = Bloch()
b2.zlabel = ['$\\left|+z\\right>$', '$\\left|-z\\right>$']
Make a plot analogous to Fig 9.A.1:
In [27]:
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega_R t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.ylabel("$P(-z, t)$", size=18)
In [28]:
omega0 = 1.0 * 2 * pi # pick a nice value for a frequency, note this is 1 Hz
omega1 = 0.05 * 2 * pi # 25% of omega0
w = 1.0 * 2 * pi # the driving frequency
H0 = - omega0 * Sz # the first term in H
H1 = - omega1 * Sx # the second term in H
omegaR = sqrt((w - omega0)**2 + (omega1/2.0)**2)
t = arange(0,3.0 * 2 * pi / omegaR,0.05) # scale the time by omegaR, plot 3 units of 2pi/omegaR
def H1_coeff2(t, args): # this function calculates H at each time step t
if t < 2*pi/omegaR * 0.5: # only add the H1 piece for the first chunk of time.
coeff = cos(w * t)
coeff = 0
return coeff
H = [H0, [H1, H1_coeff2]]
In [29]:
result6 = sesolve(H, pz, t, [Sx, Sy, Sz, mz*mz.dag()],args)
sx, sy, sz, Pz = result6.expect
In [30]:
plt.xlabel("Time ($\Omega_R t/\pi$)", size=18)
plt.ylabel("$P(-z, t)$", size=18)
In [ ]:
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